In [2]:
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import welch, spectrogram
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
In [3]:
#x = np.load('/gh/bv/misshapen/exampledata.npy')
x = np.load('/gh/data2/hc3/npy/gor01/2006-6-7_16-40-19/0/lfp_0.npy')
Fs = 1000
In [19]:
def compute_psd_hist(x, Fs, nperseg=None, noverlap=None, N_bins=None, flim=None):
if nperseg is None:
nperseg = Fs
if noverlap is None:
noverlap = int(nperseg/2)
if N_bins is None:
N_bins = 50
if flim is None:
flim = [0, 100]
# Compute windowed power spectra
f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(x, fs=Fs, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap)
ps = np.transpose(np.log10(Sxx))
# Limit psd to freq range of interest
ps = ps[:,np.logical_and(f >= flim[0], f < flim[1])]
f = f[np.logical_and(f >= flim[0], f < flim[1])]
# Prepare bins for power
power_min = np.min(ps)
power_max = np.max(ps)
power_bins = np.linspace(power_min, power_max, N_bins+1)
# Compute histogram of power for each frequency
psd_hist = np.zeros((len(ps[0]), N_bins))
for i in range(len(ps[0])):
psd_hist[i], _ = np.histogram(ps[:,i], power_bins)
psd_hist[i] = psd_hist[i]/sum(psd_hist[i])
psd_hist = np.transpose(psd_hist)
psd_hist = np.flipud(psd_hist)
return t, f, power_bins, psd_hist, ps
In [120]:
def color2d(X, cmap=None, clim=None, cticks=None, interpolation='none', colorlabel=''):
"""Plot the matrix X using a 2-dimensional color matrix"""
if cmap is None:
cmap = cm.viridis
if clim is None:
clim = [None, None]
if cticks is None:
if clim is not None:
# Plot colored matrix and colormap bar
cax = plt.imshow(X, cmap=cmap, interpolation=interpolation,vmin=clim[0], vmax=clim[1])
cbar = plt.colorbar(cax, ticks=cticks)
# Format plot,size=15), size=20)
def plot_psd_hist(f, power_bins, psd_hist, all_psds, Fs, nperseg=None,
clim=None, cticks=None,
power_ticks=None, f_tick_step=None, plim=None,
# Set default parameters
if clim is None:
clim = [0,.2]
if cticks is None:
cticks = np.arange(0,.21, .02)
if power_ticks is None:
power_ticks = np.arange(-5, 5.1,2)
if f_tick_step is None:
f_tick_step = 10
if nperseg is None:
nperseg = Fs
plt.figure(figsize = (16,6))
color2d(psd_hist, cmap=cm.viridis, clim=clim,
cticks = cticks, colorlabel=colorlabel)
# Decorate plot
plt.title('Power spectral histogram', size=20)
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)', size=20)
plt.ylabel('Log Power ($\mu V^2$/Hz)', size=20)
# Compute the frequency axis
N_f = len(f)
xticks_idx = np.arange(0,N_f,f_tick_step)
xticks_val = f[np.arange(0,N_f,f_tick_step)].astype(int)
plt.xticks(xticks_idx, xticks_val, rotation='vertical', size=15)
# Compute the power axis
bin_idx = range(len(power_bins))
bin_val = power_bins
p_labels_idx = len(power_bins) - np.interp(power_ticks, bin_val, bin_idx)
plt.yticks(p_labels_idx, power_ticks.astype(int), size=15)
# Plot mean psd
ps_mean = np.mean(all_psds,axis=0)
mean_p_idx = len(power_bins) - 2 - np.interp(ps_mean, bin_val, bin_idx)
plt.plot(f*nperseg/Fs, mean_p_idx,'w')
# Set power limit
if plim is not None:
plt.ylim((len(power_bins) - np.interp(plim[0], bin_val, bin_idx),
len(power_bins) - np.interp(plim[1], bin_val, bin_idx)))
In [123]:
t, f, power_bins, psd_hist, all_psds = compute_psd_hist(x, Fs, nperseg=5000, flim=[0,30])
In [124]:
plot_psd_hist(f, power_bins, psd_hist, all_psds, Fs, nperseg=5000, plim = (1,6))
In [7]:
noverlap = 500
nperseg = 1000
f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(x, fs=Fs, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap)
ps = np.transpose(np.log10(Sxx))
In [8]:
flim = [0, 100]
ps = ps[:,np.logical_and(f >= flim[0], f < flim[1])]
f = f[np.logical_and(f >= flim[0], f < flim[1])]
In [9]:
power_min = np.min(ps)
power_max = np.max(ps)
N_bins = 50
power_bins = np.linspace(power_min, power_max, N_bins+1)
psd_hist = np.zeros((len(ps[0]), N_bins))
for i in range(len(ps[0])):
psd_hist[i], _ = np.histogram(ps[:,i], power_bins)
psd_hist[i] = psd_hist[i]/sum(psd_hist[i])
psd_hist = np.transpose(psd_hist)
psd_hist = np.flipud(psd_hist)
In [10]:
# Transform power values to y-indices on the histogram plot
bin_idx = range(len(power_bins))
bin_val = power_bins
p_labels = np.arange(-5, 5.1,2)
p_labels_idx = N_bins - np.interp(p_labels, bin_val, bin_idx)
In [11]:
figsize = (16,6)
clim = [0,.2]
cticks = np.arange(0,.21, .02)
N_f = len(f)
power_ticks = np.arange(-5, 5.1,2)
from tools.plt import color2d
color2d(psd_hist, cmap=cm.viridis, clim=clim, cticks = cticks,
plot_title='Power spectral histogram',
plot_xlabel='Frequency (Hz)', plot_ylabel='Log Power (uV^2/Hz)',
interpolation='none', fontsize_minor=14, fontsize_major=19)
# Plot mean psd
ps_mean = np.mean(ps,axis=0)
mean_p_idx = N_bins - np.interp(ps_mean, bin_val, bin_idx)
plt.plot(f, mean_p_idx,'w')